Whether you are struggling with a behavioral addiction or a substance abuse addiction, Lotus Therapy Group is here to help. We believe Addiction is a survival strategy. Treatment with us will not focus on twelve steps, but rather on the pain/trauma that led to using compulsive behaviors to cope. When we talk about behavioral addictions, these include shopping, exercise, sex, work, and sugar. Substance abuse addictions include alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs. All of these compulsive behaviors medicate underlying trauma. In addition, they release dopamine in the brain and allow the individual struggling to feel good when engaging in these behaviors. It is easy to see why addiction can develop. Not only has it allowed someone to cope with pain, but it also provides moments of pleasure.
At Lotus Therapy Group, we focusing on treating the person and their pain. It is only after doing so, that you are able to see improvement in the addictive behavior.