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What is ARFID? by Lisa Carroll, MS, RD, LDN
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is a new diagnosis in the DSM-5 and for the eating disorder community. While prevalence in the general pediatric population is not known, rates of ARFID are between 5% and 14% in pediatric inpatient eating disorder programs and up to 22.5% in a pediatric eating disorder day treatment program.1 What’s more, the few studies that have examined ARFID in adults suggest that it may be just as common as the better-known eating disorders.2 ARFID is largely unseen and has been misunderstood for years and, still, there is little research and understanding of the condition. What’s more, because of the myriad of “unknowns” of this condition, health care practitioners may find it increasingly challenging to work collaboratively in order to appropriately treat the disorder.