A place for news and information
It’s Spooky Season but Don’t be Spooked by Sugar! by Alexis Banks, RD, LDN
As the holiday season is approaching, remember that all foods can fit into a healthy diet. Teaching your children that certain foods are something that they should limit or fear, will not help them regulate it better. It is important to learn how to help your child form a healthy and positive relationship with all foods, including sweets and foods that contain sugar. Learning to help them listen to their body, specifically in regards to their sugar intake, can make a huge impact on their ability to properly nourish their bodies.
“I failed another diet, now what?” A Blog on Intuitive Eating by Emily Presbrey MS, RD, LDN
Learning to honor and respect your body’s needs in a society infused with toxic diet culture messages can be confusing and at times down right terrifying. We are taught to hold the belief that if only we reached “X “number of pounds we would happier and live a more fulfilling live. Diet culture teaches us to use external factors to guide the eating process (counting calories, timed eating, macros, etc.). Fortunately, with intention and support, we can reignite our intuitive selves. Intuitive Eating is a process in which individuals learn to tune into their internal signals. If you’ve spent years following diets or self-imposed food rules, it can be a challenge to tune inward and trust your body. This process is NOT “perfect”. This process is NOT linear. This process IS powerful and life changing. You CAN let go of the diet culture noise and (re)learn to respect and honor your body and ultimately, “Treasure the Pleasure” of a healthy relationship with food and your body. What diet culture belief can you begin to let go of to embark on your Intuitive Eating journey?